Wownero Stats

  • Price USD: 0.0342 USD
  • Price BTC: 0.00000324 BTC
  • Algorithm: Cryptonight
  • Network: 2.54 M
  • Diff: 761.00 M
  • Last Block: 120004
  • Coin Difficulty Target: 300
  • Block Reward: 156.98
  • Total Coin: 185,000,000
Wownero is a fork of the private cryptocurrenty Monero with two major changes:
  • A capped emmision that disallows infinite coin creation
  • 10x the coin for 10x the W0W!

Wownero is a fairly launched coin with no premine - it was announced here and on twitter, IRC, and reddit weeks ahead of launch, it launched with optimized miners for CPUs as well as AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. It's not a fork of another blockchain, and it has a long and relatively flat emission curve. With its own genesis block there is no degradation of privacy due to ring signatures using different participants for the same tx outputs on opposing forks. It is also the first cryptocurrency to use bulletproofs to reduce tx size on mainnet.
Source code:
Windows CLI binaries:
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