Iridium Stats

  • Price USD: 0.0027 USD
  • Price BTC: 0.00000026 BTC
  • Algorithm: Cryptonight
  • Network: 1.85 M
  • Diff: 323.00 M
  • Last Block: 555223
  • Coin Difficulty Target: 175
  • Block Reward: 11.48
  • Total Coin: 25,000,000
Iridium core team get now (pools and donations) 7.5k IRD

- Specifications -

 - Ticker: IRD
 - Low 25,000,000 total coin supply, differentiating from the other CryptoNight coins with over 100 billion coins in total supply.
 - Block-by-block linearly weighted, weighted harmonic mean on latests 60 blocs, algorithm by Zawy.
 - Difficulty target is 175 seconds.
 - High emission rate, with 12,500,000 coins being rewarded in the first year. This is to encourage mining and coin growth.
 - Bounties will be used to promote decentralized development of the coin.
 - 20 Block Confirmation Maturity
 - Community-driven development, many suggestions made by community members will be developed.

Roadmap (v2.0)
Project daemons and simple-wallet. - completed
GUI Wallet for Windows, MacOs and Linux - completed
Mining Pools - completed
Block Explorer - completed
Fix transaction limits and wallet GUI - completed
Official Website - completed
Official Whitepaper. - in progress.
Payment API - In progress
Add to exchanges, to allow IRD to be traded and to establish an initial price. - in progress
Add to CoinMarketCap. -need exchange first
Tor backed nodes for improved anonymity - In progress
Iridium Mobile Wallet (Android/iOS)- In progress
Iridium Web Wallet - In progress