Electronero Stats

  • Price USD: 0.0001 USD
  • Price BTC: 0.00000001 BTC
  • Algorithm: Cryptonight
  • Network: 973.00
  • Diff: 58.36 K
  • Last Block: 1429509
  • Coin Difficulty Target: 60
  • Block Reward: 0.88
  • Total Coin: 36,000,000
Electronero  (ETNX)

Electronero is  a  fork  from  Electroneum  (ETN)  made  by  the  community,  for  the  community beginning building from Monero source v0.12.2 Lithium Luna, one of the most respectable cryptocurrency well-known for security, privacy, untraceability and active development. Starting as an educational project, we found that it would be great to create a new coin with high level of privacy by (1) moving forward right away to Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT), (2) setting minimum transaction mixins to 12 that would make it high resistance to blockchain analysis attacks..  We found that some of the features of Sumokoin were also interesting to us such as the "bitcoin-like" Camel emission, rather than a traditional Elliptical emission curve. So we implemented that. We also adapted the LWMA as we were advised by mathematician and blockchain theorist Zawy has researched this new difficulty algorithm extensively. Public Testnet launch is debuted at block height 280,000. The hard fork  will occur at block height  307,000  and  all  owners  of  Electroneum  will  be  de  facto  owners  of  Electronero.  The  codebase  for  this  project  is  the  Monero Lithium Luna v0.12.2+ release  core  code  to  which  a  lot  of  modifications  are  being  made  in  order  to  provide  a  better,  more  reliable  platform  to  current, past Electroneum and future Electronero  users. Cryptocurrencies  have  attracted  substantial  attention  over  the  past  few  years  bringing  millions  of  new  users  into  the  market  dramatically  increasing  demand,  market  value,  and  daily  activity.  With  such  an  increased  demand  comes  a  big  responsibility  on  cryptocurrency  developers  to  ensure  they  are  delivering  the  most  stable  platform  to  their  users  allowing  them  complete  freedom  of  access  to  their  funds.  Read the whitepaper  where some community members have  detailed  the  basis  for  our  fork,  the  ethical  standards  that  are  to  be  upheld  in  the  fork’s  environment  as  well  as  technical  details,  our  roadmap  and  plans  for  the  future  of  Electronero.