Arto Stats

  • Price USD: 0.0007 USD
  • Price BTC: 0.00000007 BTC
  • Algorithm: Cryptonight
  • Network: 27.66 K
  • Diff: 2.49 M
  • Last Block: 915157
  • Coin Difficulty Target: 90
  • Block Reward: 11.16
  • Total Coin: 28,000,000
Arto (RTO) is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on an open-source technology CryptoNote. Provides users with a completely anonymous payment scheme. The name "Arto" is taken from Javanese language that's mean "Money". The initial Arto source code (v.1.0.1) is a Karbowanec v.1.4.4 fork.

Arto using community-driven development method so everyone is free to contribute even to determine the direction of the project as long as supported by the community.

The Arto main goal is to becoming a secure, fast, easy, private, and untraceable online payment tool. In addition to developing the Arto Core itself, the next development that we (community) will do together is to provide integration to existing online platforms eg. WHMCS, WooCommerce, PrestaShop and so on. By providing such integration, it is expected that Arto will be widely adopted by online merchants (whether they sell services or goods) thus opening the opportunity for mass adoption to the general public.

Premine: 0%
Mining algorithm: PoW, CryptoNight
Ticker: RTO
Coin supply: Infinite (28 millions RTO + tail emission ~2.5% yearly for steady growth)
Block reward: Initial block reward is ~26 RTO, decreasing every block, when the reward decreased to 2 RTO/block it will stay at that level
Block target time: 1.5 minute (90 seconds)
Difficulty: Retarget at every block
Decimal Points: 8
Low transaction fee: 0.001 RTO
Confirmation maturity: 10 blocks
P2P Port: 19450
Rpc Port: 19451

Solo mining
You can solo mining using simplewallet (CLI) or GUI wallet (both available for Linux and Windows users / 64 bit OS).

Mining pool
You can join a mining pool using the GUI wallet. Just specify the pool URL.

Important! When sending Arto to any exchange, please make sure to include the Payment ID. Failing to do so may result in loss of your Arto.